About Dr. Adriana del Giglio
Dr. Adriana is an Internal medicine and Hematologist doctor, with a lot of experience
in treating common adulthood problems, as well as blood disorders. She has a
holistic approach and is always very interested in the patients and their multiple ways
to improve their health, very prevention oriented and looks forward to help.
The treatments performed by Dr. Adriana
- Diagnosis and treatment the most common adulthood diseases
- Diagnosis and treatment of Hematology diseases such as anemias,
coagulation disorders, diagnosis of malignancies. - Long term follow up for individuals in pursuit of a long and healthy life
- Case management for cases with different medical specialties, helpingpatients and caregivers to understand the clinical scenarios and optimize
decision making. - Home visits
Vocational Training and Continuing Education
- Graduated as a doctor at Faculty of Medicine of ABC foundation, Sao Paulo
Brazil - Specialization in Internal Medicine, at Faculty of Medicine of ABC foundation,
Sao Paulo Brazil - Hematology fellowship Santa Casa de São Paulo, Brazil
- Bone Marrow Transplant fellowship – Sheba Tel Hashomer, Israel
Membership in trade unions
- Israeli Medical Association
- Israeli Hematology Association
- European Hematology Association
- American Society of Hematology